Assigning Reviewer Accounts to a Specific Program

You can assign different reviewers for each program in the system. Follow the steps below to learn how to assign reviewers to your programs effectively.

How to Assign a Reviewer 

  1. From the Admin Dashboard select the program you wish to Assign Reviewers.
  2. From the Program Navigation Menu click Assign Reviewers/Admins. 
  3. Under Assigned Role click Reviewer and under Assigned to click All Programs then click Search. (This will search for every Reviewer in the system)
  4. Select the reviewers you want to assign by checking the checkbox beside their name.  
  5. Click Assign Reviewer. 

How to Unassign a Review from a Program

  1. Select the check box next to the reviewers name to be unassigned. 
  2. Click the Unassign Reviewer button. 

To assign reviewers to multiple programs at once, follow the instructions below. 

Assigning Reviewers Multiple Programs

  1. To assign reviewers to multiple programs at once, go to the Admin Dashboard under System Option select Manage and then Users.
  2. Locate the reviewer in the list of managed users by utilizing our quick search feature.
  3. Click on the dropdown icon and select Modify User Role
  4. Select all the programs that you want the reviewer to be a part of by checking the corresponding checkboxes, and then click on the Submit button.


           View this instructional video for a step-by-step guide: