Create Custom Emails

Are you looking to create a personalized email for your users? No problem! We've got you covered with a simple step-by-step guide on how to do it.

  1. To begin creating the email, go to the Admin Dashboard and select the desired program.
  2. From the Program Navigation menu, click on Email then choose Email Text.
  3. Under the Custom tab, beside Custom Email click the Add button. 
  4. Provide the Email Name and Subject, and choose your desired Target Audience (Applicants, Reviewers, or All Users).
  5. Compose the body of your email. To retrieve data from the submission, utilize our Reserved Words feature.
  6. After you have finished creating your custom email, click the Submit button to finalize it.

    It is recommended to utilize our Reserved Words feature in order to create customized and captivating emails. This feature allows you to personalize the content and engage your recipients effectively.

       View this instructional video for a step-by-step guide: