Creating & Assigning Reviewer Groups

Do you need to create specific review groups for your program or have unique review groups for each reviewer? Follow the instructions below to find out how to create unique and specific groups.

Navigating to Assign Review Groups

  1. From the Admin Navigation Menu select the program you want to create and assign review groups for.
  2. From the Program Navigation Menu, click Assign Reviewers/Admins. 

All Reviewers will Review ALL Submissions

  1.  Select all reviewers by clicking the checkbox beside their name.
  2. Under the Review Groups Actions drop-down select Manually Set Review Groups.
  3. From the dropdown select the option All and click Submit.

Each Reviewer Has Their Own Unique Review Group

  1. Select all the reviewers you want to create unique review groups for by clicking the checkbox beside the reviewer’s name.
  2. Under Review Group Actions select Auto-Create Review Groups.
  3. A pop-up will appear confirming you want to create unique review groups for every reviewer, please click OK.
  4.  You will see under the Review Group column that the system has created unique review groups for each reviewer.

Reviewers Will be Apart of a Specific Review Group

Creating Review Groups

  1. Under the Program Navigation Menu select Settings.
  2. From the Settings, click 2. Settings.
  3. Under Review Groups, enter the specific review groups you would like created separated by a double pipeline (||) (ex. Group01||Group02||Group03), then click Submit.

Assigning Specific Review Groups

  1. From the Program Navigation Menu click Assign Reviewers/Admins.
  2. Select the reviewers you want to assign the specific review groups created. 
  3. Under Review Group Actions, click Manually Set Review Groups
  4. From the dropdown select the review group you want to assign to the reviewer then click Submit. 

Note: Continue this process for every reviewer. 


View this instructional video for a step-by-step guide: