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Tips for Engaging Participants Through Social Media for Programs

Social media is an effective tool for engaging participants in programs. Explore the strategies below to learn how to leverage it for success.

To successfully engage participants for programs like awards, scholarships, grants, fellowships, and mentorships, consider these social media strategies:

  1. Share Testimonials: Post video or written testimonials from past participants to build trust and show the impact of your program.

  2. Share Recap Content: Post photos, videos, and highlights from previous events, award ceremonies, or key moments to illustrate the experience and showcase the achievements of past participants.

  3. Host Q&A Sessions: Offer live Q&A sessions or interactive posts to answer questions about your program, application process, and deadlines.

  4. FAQ Posts: Regularly post answers to frequently asked questions to provide valuable information and reduce confusion.

  5. Highlight Program Deadlines: Create reminder posts about important deadlines to keep participants informed and on track.

  6. Share Alumni Success Stories: Post stories from past participants about how the program helped them grow or advance in their field.

  7. Post Consistently: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your program visible and ensure ongoing engagement with your audience.  

Want to learn what’s worked for our customers or discuss growing your program? Contact our program growth team today!